This was a 150 point miscellaneous problem.

The binary simply opens up the flag and reads it, then reads your input and calls memcmp(flag, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]));. It then sleeps for 3 seconds to prevent a brute force, and returns the result of memcmp.

By implementing a binary search using the return value of return as the compare, the flag can be narrowed down to its value.

Command: Something that did a binary search with ./return.

Flag: hohoqqqz (target: Python 2.7):

import subprocess
def bsearch(regstr):
    first = ord(' ')
    last = ord('~')
    found = 'NOPE'

    while first<=last and found=='NOPE':
        midpoint = (first + last)//2
        midstr = chr(midpoint)
        print 'testing:',midstr,' [onthewhole:',regstr+midstr,']'
        ret =['./return', regstr+midstr])
        print 'test:',midstr,'is',ret
        if ret == 0:
            found = midstr
        elif ret > 127:
            last = midpoint-1
            first = midpoint+1

    return found

import os
s = 'h'
while len(s)<10:
    s += bsearch(s)
    print 'on:',s
print s